Importance of a Custom Office Cleaning Plan

Are you a business owner or manager who wants the benefits and ease of outsourcing cleaning to a professional company of trained office cleaners? If so, you need a custom office cleaning plan! 

Benefits of a Custom Office Cleaning Plan

custom office cleaning plan by Dura-Shine Clean

Did you know that the average office desk has 400 times more bacteria on it than the average truck stop toilet seat? EW! Whether you have a big or small office, keeping it clean provides a wide range of benefits, including:

#1: Fewer Sick Days

After hearing that statistic about desk bacteria, it is no surprise that keeping a clean work environment helps prevent the spread of germs and reduces sick days, especially in cold and flu seasons! Professional office cleaning has been shown to remove germs, provide cleaner air, and prevent mold and other health hazards. 

#2: Greater Office Productivity 

A clean space is a clean mind. Research has shown that keeping a clean and tidy workspace increases employee productivity and satisfaction. Just take this study by the University of Arizona, for example; they found that employees who work in a clean and organized environment are up to 15% more productive than those who work in a cluttered and messy environment. 

#3: Save Time and Money

As a busy business, the last thing you need is more tasks on your plate. Cleanliness is best handled by professionals rather than attempting to DIY with in-house staff or delegating chores to employees. With professional office cleaners, you get exceptional services at an affordable price – saving you the time, money, and effort in planning, executing, and providing products, equipment, and storage for cleaning needs. It’s a win-win!

What’s Included in a Custom Office Cleaning Plan

When designing a custom office cleaning plan, companies like us at Dura-Shine Clean carefully craft a system based on the unique needs of your office. To do this, we follow a four-step plan. 

#1: Assessment of the Site

First, we take an in-depth tour of your site to determine the various elements of your office, the level of traffic and use your space sees, and what cleaning requirements you will need to adhere to the highest standards.

#2: Development of a Cleaning Schedule

Next, we develop a cleaning schedule with clearly defined tasks. This schedule will incorporate daily needs, like sanitizing desktops, to irregular needs, like cleaning storage spaces or washing windows. Of course, this schedule will be built around the company’s needs, with the opportunity of after-hour cleaning to prevent any disruption. 

#3: Implementation of Appropriate Products & Equipment

professional office cleaner from Dura-Shine Clean cleaning the carpet

After developing a cleaning schedule, we will determine which products and equipment will be needed for your space, depending on your specific requirements and preferences. For example, if your business promotes eco-friendliness within the office, you may opt for paper towels made from recycled materials. 

#4: Regular Reviews with Adjustments

Lastly, we take the time to perform regular reviews with you to determine any shortcomings. Maybe a space needs cleaning more often, or perhaps the timing isn’t working with your schedule. Whatever it is, we will work with you to determine what adjustments can be made to reach optimal performance. 

What Type of Cleaning Plan Does My Office Need?

While you can likely picture a stereotypical office, no two offices are exactly the same. Each business has a core set of components; nowadays, they often include a unique element. Understanding the diverse needs of various office areas can help create an effective and tailored cleaning plan that ensures a healthy, productive, and aesthetically pleasing work environment. Let’s dive into the components you will need to consider for your custom office cleaning plan:

  1. Reception and Waiting Areas: These are high-traffic zones that make the first impression on visitors and need daily cleaning for anything someone may have touched. 
  2. Workstations and Cubicles: Individual workspaces, especially electronics, must be dusted and sanitized to prevent germs and ensure employee health. 
  3. Conference Rooms: These spaces require scheduled cleaning based on usage, with exceptional sanitation when hosting external visitors. 
  4. Kitchen and Break Rooms: Where there is food, there are bacteria, spills, and odor that require daily cleaning to prevent illness. 
  5. Restrooms: These necessitate rigorous and frequent cleaning and disinfection of high-use areas as well as resupplying one-use items. 
  6. Hallways: Being traffic-heavy areas, hallways and corridors need regular vacuuming and floor care to prevent wear and tear.
  7. Storage Areas: Often forgotten, storage areas need routine cleaning to keep stored materials in good shape. 
  8. Entries and Exists: These areas should be kept clear of debris and dirt as they are the primary pathways into and out of the office.
Dura-Shine Clean's professional cleaners doing the work

In addition to these standard components, offices now often feature unique elements to improve employee satisfaction that require specialized cleaning. For example, we’ve seen nap rooms, quiet zones, fitness centers, indoor gardens, game rooms, creative labs, libraries, coffee bars, social spaces, and outdoor terraces or rooftops. 

Case Study: How Spotted Fox Digital Marketing Benefits from Dura-Shine’s Custom Cleaning Services

To give you an example of one of our clients, let’s take a look at Spotted Fox Digital Marketing. Spotted Fox’s office has a large studio space, two open office areas, eight private offices, and two bathrooms. As a marketing agency with many spinning plates, they chose to do biweekly, after-hours cleaning for their custom office plan to prevent disrupting any photoshoots, client meetings, and other work. So, we attend to their office after work on Tuesdays and during the day on Saturdays. Just take a look at what they had to say:

We have seen incredible improvements in our office cleanliness since we have been serviced by Dura-Shine. Between the bi-yearly pressure-washed windows and the bi-weekly visits to our office, they always leave our workspace looking pristine. We always get compliments from clients on our office, and that is attributed to the cleanliness and consistency provided by Dura-Shine.” ~ Testimonial from Spotted Fox Digital Marketing

Dura-Shine Clean – Your Office Cleaners Solution 

Whether you’re a business owner or office manager, a clean space is a factor you can’t miss out on. If you are looking for reliable office cleaners to develop a custom office cleaning plan for your business, Dura-Shine Clean is here to help. Book a consultation with us today to start your journey to a fabulously clean space!


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